Manali to Delhi Bus Service

Manali to Delhi Volvo Bus
1999/Per Person

Delhi to Manali Volvo Bus
1999/Per Person


Bus Type Fare(Rs)
Volvo Bus 1999/-
Pickup Points
Manali Private Volvo Bus Parking
Bhuntar Bus Stand


S.NO Cancellation Policy Applicable Charges Reschedule
1) 48 hrs or more than 48 hrs 25% yes
2) 24 hrs before 50% No
3) Less than 24 hrs No refund Cancellation – Will be made 100% No
4) No refund in case of no show

Note: No refund will be processed on Paytm/ Cash Deposit in Company’s Account.


The company will not be responsible for any stolen luggage, compensation or damages, if occur during your journey, but instead of that the company will help you in every possible way to make you recover from the situation.